200+ FREE Educational Websites List 2024
Are you looking for budget-friendly ways to gain knowledge? Look no further! We’ve put together a list of top free educational websites that allow you to expand your knowledge without breaking the bank. Whether you’re a student, a teacher, a professional looking to enhance your skills, or just someone who loves learning, our carefully curated collection encompasses the best free online learning platforms across a variety of subjects.
Our list covers diverse educational fields, ranging from coding and language learning to mathematics and arts. These platforms cater to different interests and skill levels. In this article, we’ll guide you through the best-kept secrets of free learning sites. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s explore the abundance of knowledge waiting for you and improve your skills without spending a penny. Join us on this educational journey, unlocking the doors to a world of endless learning opportunities.
Online Library – Missing the smell of stacked books on the library shelves? Well, we can’t take you to a physical library but we can certainly help you enter the world of knowledge virtually with these super awesome free online libraries. Click on the links to browse through the best collection of ebooks online that you can not only read but also download. Isn’t it awesome? Whether you want to learn a new theory of Quantum Physics or you are looking for some nice stories to read, these libraries have a wide range of ebooks on various subjects, fiction, non-fiction, etc.
Splash Learn
Discover an innovative approach to PreK-5 learning by diving into SplashLearn. Explore over 4,000 Math, ELA, and life skill-building games and more than 4,000 worksheets. Start your fun-filled learning journey today!
Literature Books
Choose from over 60,000 literature books that date back to 1924. Reading at Gutenberg is free and does not require any registration or external apps.
Open library
Open library is an open source platform where readers can contribute or suggest changes to the books to make reading and enjoyable experience for others
Children Library
Give your children an exciting in-depth to their roots so they don’t have to miss out just because they don’t live in the native town anymore.
Librivox is a public-domain audiobook platform where you can listen to thousands of books recorded by volunteers all around the world. Downloaded to your computers free.
12 Story Library
The National Digital Library of India has up to 47 million learning items available in more than 400 languages. These books are from different Indian institutional repositories.
British Council
Mint Book
National Library
GSD Network
Full Books
Public Book Shelf
Chest of Books
Classic Book Shelf
Public Literature
Page by Pagebooks
Digital Library
Online Library Wiley
Library SI EDU
Digital Library India
Book BUB
Free Ebooks
Select the books, read the synopsis, and add the ones you like to the library. Freebooks has a huge collection of classics, fiction, non-fiction, and academic books.
Nice Blog. Thanks for sharing the free educational websites. It’s very important information for students.
Nice info. thanks for sharing.
You have shared a really good article, Thanks for this.